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Lucidity Festival 2015 - Kindred Quest

February 4, 2015

lucidity festival 2015 kindred questKindred Quest is the theme for the 4th Lucidity Festival happening the weekend of April 11th 2015 at the live oak camp ground Just East of Santa Barbara California. I highly recommend going!

I have gone every year for the past 4 years to participate and present tips and techniques on how to lucid dream. This year I am signed up to do 2 Workshop / Lectures:

  1. Workshop on Lucid DreamingHow To Lucid Dream Presentation

  2. Advanced Lucid Dreaming Presentation and Audience Participation.

    • Share Lucid Dream Powers and special techniques for navigating the lucid dream world will be discussed.
    • Share best lucid dream experiences and revelations
    • The audience is encouraged to contribute their own techniques and experiences.
    • Below is a clip from a previous Advanced Lucid Dreaming Workshop Presentation. To see the whole 1 hour and 20 minutes Advanced Lucid Dreaming Workshop, you can watch it on youtube here.

To learn more about the Lucidity Festival visit the website. Here is a screenshot of the page that is about the lucid dream workshops Ill be hosting:

Screenshot for RipplestoneLucid Dream Workshops at Lucidity Festival 2015

Screenshot From the Lucidity Festival 2015 website
It has since been removed form

Here is a pictures from on of my presentation at Lucidity Festival 2013. I am demonstrating the hand rubbing lucid dream stabilization technique:

Lucidity Festival Workshop

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