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End the Cage Age - Time to Decide

February 20, 2015

It's time to make better, more informed choices. Each Generation decides what cruelty they will tolerate. Times have changed. Farming practices has become an atrocity. Nutritional availability and research has improved. We now know that a plant-based diet is the best suited diet for the 21st century. The animal cruelty is not necissary, and it takes the bravery and insight of those who have awoken from the Meatrix to the horrors to instigate change and End the Cage Age.

End the Cage Age
Compassion in World Farming

Save the planet with your plate

This video does a good job presenting the information everyone should be aware of. It is inspiring to be the change to end factory farming, for your health, the animals and the planet. Choose meat free!

If only we taught our children the truth at an early age, with toys like this:

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