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IX The Hermit

May 10, 2024

Seclusion, Autonomy and Deepening Purpose

The Hermit archetype is associated with seclusion from society to pursue wisdom, spiritual insight and life purpose. The intention is to remove distractions, social obligations and material attachment in favor of creating more time to focus deeply on matters concerning society as a whole, spiritual insight and life purpose. This is not a rejection of society, as the hermit’s intention is to shine the light of their wisdom for all who seek it.
The Hermit Rider Waite Traditional Card
Mystic Hermit Sketch

My Experience Embodying The Hermit Archetype

I often respectful retreat from social occasions in exchange for more time to focus on a project. I will admit I didn't go all in on this. I stayed in communication with my friends, went to social gatherings and hosted a friend who visited for a week.


I recognized this would be an ideal time to go on a 10 day silent Vipasina retreat. Yet I backed down from this challenge, favoring staying on track with work and life commitments. I did meditate on a daily basis. In particular I used an app called: Balance.

Turning Inward to Deepen Meaning

The Hermit is deeply connected to all the previous archetypes. Like most of the arcana, they support the Chariot Archetype which aligns a person with a life purpose and meaning.

Making Time to Work on Life Purpose Projects Alone

While embodying this archetype, I used my free time to work on Collective Allies, Agreeganism, and Behold Arcana. All three projects made big steps forward.

Video made using NightCafe AI Image Generator based of my drawing. The audio is me reading what I wrote about the Hermit Archetype above.

The Hermit Affirmation

"I retreat from frivolous social engagements to focus more deeply on my life’s purpose. I will do the necessary creative and introspective work to lead and spread wisdom and awareness"

78 Degrees of Wisdom Quote to AI Artwork

I made this video above by taking a reading from my favorite tarot book: 78 Degrees of Wisdom, and added AI Artwork visuals that matched the wisdom. Since it is more generic wisdom about The Hermit, it is on the Behold Arcana Youtube Channel and not my Beholdify Youtube Channel

Avoiding The Seclusion of the Hermit

While I was studying The Hermit I was invited to attend Burning Man with some friends. I knew my higher self and spiritual path recommend I not go, and instead focus on Collective Allies and my career. It's obvious that The Hermit Archetype would not go to such an extroverted celebration. But the opportunity remained as tickets kept being available. I thought about it a lot, seeing it as a once in a liftime opportunity, and a portal to another dimension, one sutable for The Magician Archetype, which I feel so in alignment with naturally. It felt like a calling I could not ignore. 10 days before the event, a ride situation and camp emerged so I finally said yes.

I justified it by recognizing the next archetype is The Wheel of Fortune, which can be traditionally celebrated with a symbolic ceremonial burning of a straw man. So I jumped ahead without fully completing The Hermit Archetype and went to burning man. When I got back I recognize that I had bent my spiritual path to justify going on a grand adventure. So I admitted to myself I had not graduated The Hermit Archetype, and continued my embodiment of a month after Burning Man.

The High Priestess

Sobriety and sacred sacrament use is a part of The Hermit for me. It's a more stoic archetype, not seeking a quick high or a burst of energy. This way of being is also a big part of The High Priestess, the archetype located directly above The Hermit as it is the 2nd card of the first row.There are a lot of parallels between The High Priestess and The Hermit as they are intimately connected.

When I was struggling with the decision to go to Burning Man, I consulted with my higher self, and my high priestess archetype mentor. I was clearly advised not to go. Which I did accept mostly, but I couldn't get it out of my head, and decided to go against the good advice. Which I now regret, even though I accept my choice and did have an amazing time.

The Tower

The 2nd card on the 3rd row is "The Tower". This card is associated with loosing something that has been built up after a spark of insight or major life event. It is often an emotionally challenging card that leads to a feeling of separation or isolation.

I felt this when I returned from Burning Man and realized I had made a mistake. despite how much fun and how memorable it was, I had been ripped away from paradise to return to my life with less money and feeling further behind. I had lost something I had built up and suffered from it.

I also felt the Tower Archetype when I broke up out of a relationship and felt conflict with some of my friends. I lost a lot of emotional support and love from people in my life. I used the unpleasant emotions to help me more easily turn away from social obligations and make more time to get my life sorted out. From this hurt and determined place, I worked hard on my projects, got good rest, exercised and let go of some of the simple pleasures and escapism I am used to indulging in.

"The only initiation which I advocate and which I look for with all the ardor of my Soul, is that by which we are able to enter into the Heart of God within us, and there make an Indissoluble Marriage, which makes us the Friend and Spouse of the Repairer … there is no other way to arrive at this Holy Initiation than for us to delve more and more into the depth of our Soul and to not let go of the prize until we have succeeded in liberating its lively and vivifying origin."
- Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin

"Thus, from the first divine contract, and the pure region where truth abides, a continuous chain of mercies and light extends to humanity, through every epoch, and will be prolonged to the end of time, until it returns to the abode from which it descends, taking with it all the peaceful souls it shall have collected in its course; that we may know that it was Love which opened, directed and closed the circle of all things."
- Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin
The Hermit Colored with AI

My Drawing Improved and Colorized with AI

I took the hermit drawing I did and brought it in to NightCafe AI to colorize. It was great to see what it was able to do while staying true to the original drawing.

Other AI Generated Art from Drawing

Photo to AI Artwork

Breath Work to Music for Dance and Meditative Sound Journey

I made breath work videos that showed a breathing meter on the screen so you can breath at a deeper rate while tuning into the uplifting music. I'm still working on refining this so the breathing rate matches the music better.

Previous Associations with The Hermit Archetype (2001):

I have kept a lot of drawings from my youth. These are 2 drawings I did in that I titled: The Hermit:

Previous Associations with The Hermit Archetype (2001):

Hermit on a Mountain Top AI Enhanced Art

In Endings There are Powerful Beginings

Now that I have been spending so much time alone and retreating from my relationships, I now have a lot of space for new friendships and partnerships. Going from The Hermit to The Wheel feels like a return to community and celebration. I plan to seek out creative, artistic and people who share my agreegan values to partner and collaborate with.
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