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AI Artwork Gallery on Flickr to Beholdify

I've uploaded a lot of my AI generated Artwork to Flickr Accounts. It's mainly images from my Night Cafe account or Leonardo AI or Imagin or Blue Willow. There are many albums of images to go through. Some are based of line drawings. Others crafted prompts. but all generated by Beholdify.

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Serenity Prayer Song with Breath Work and Gratitude

This Song I generated in Beholdify Suno AI is based on the serenity prayer, with some modifications. The musical style is Melodic Vocal House with EDM AI Instruments.

Here are the lyrics I arranged:

Breathe In, Noticing.
Breathe out, Letting go.
Breathe In,

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X. The Wheel of Fortune

The wheel of fortune, or simple "The Wheel" for short, represents the cyclical nature of life and how things are constantly in change. The king may sit at the top of the wheel, but as the wheel turns, they can be crushed at the bottom. Traditionally many cultures would do a ceremony to symbolically sacrifice the king to acknowledge the cycle of change.

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How to Mail Things To People At Burning Man

I'm staying at Black Rock City Post Office 9 (BRCPO9) this year (2024), delivering and sorting postcards and packages. Here's everything you need to know about how to send and receive mail at Burning Man. Whether you're at Burning Man and want to send mail out to the default world,

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IX The Hermit

Seclusion, Autonomy and Deepening Purpose

The Hermit archetype is associated with seclusion from society to pursue wisdom, spiritual insight and life purpose. The intention is to remove distractions, social obligations and material attachment in favor of creating more time to focus deeply on matters concerning society as a whole,

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Galactic Yoda's Star Wars Tribute Musical Journey

This is a star wars theme music mix I made in 2021. It features quotes from Jedi Master Yoda and remix tracks from Star Wars. It includes songs from The Mandalorian, Space Oddity, Lofi and Pepper. The video is a screen capture and web camera of the mix being made on Virtual DJ Software using M-Audio Xponent Digital Turn Tables.  » Read more about: Galactic Yoda's Star Wars Tribute Musical Journey  »

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15 Minute Contemplation Meditation

Using Meditation For Contemplation and Mindfulness

The most common meditation I do almost daily is a 15 minute meditation that includes a part that is for quieting the mind and a part that is for allowing contemplation of a meaningful topic. I find this meditation most helpful because not only do I practice quieting the mind,

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VIII Strength

Confidence, Perseverance and Cunning

Strength is all about the capacity to overcome resistance. Pushing up against resistance is what makes us stronger. Yet the spiritual strength demonstrated in the Strength Card of the Major Arcana of the Tarot is more of a way of being that uses more than force to overcome resistance.

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There is No Going Back to Being Ignorant of Animal Products Once You Are Aware

Revelations and growth that happen when you expand your awareness are often expressed by saying "I could never go back to the way I used to be." That's a characteristic of choosing a plant based diet through spiritual and ethical awareness. The mentality required to go back to buying overt animal products would be uncomfortable and disturbing.

 » Read more about: There is No Going Back to Being Ignorant of Animal Products Once You Are Aware  »

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Drawings from the Artist Way

I'm reading and taking part in The Artist Way - 12 Week Course by Julia Cameron. It's a spiritual Path to Higher Creativity. We meet weekly on zoom. Each week I have set intention to do some artwork. This is the drawing I started during the first meeting,

 » Read more about: Drawings from the Artist Way  »

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DJ Beholdify Mixes

Decades of Experience DJing

I started DJing in 2006 with vinyl turn tables. I still have some of those old mixes as mp3s on an old website called Linklotus. I stopped for a few years then started again in 2012 by DJing a few times at a local ecstatic dance.

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Tofu Scramble Is Healthier and Smarter than Scrambled Egg

Tofu Scramble is better in all categories than scrambled eggs. In particular it's healthier. For many reasons the biggest and most important reason for you is it's 0 cholesterol. As you know cholesterol is one of the nutrients that is only in animal products and clogs arteries and causes high blood pressure in humans.

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Animals are Here With Us, Not For Us

It's a simple mentality change that our society is behind on: Using animals as a resource has created so much sickness in human society, from pandemics and obesity, to climate destruction.

A vegan and agreegan mentality switch starts the healing on an individual level, so that our entire society can heal from the lies animal agriculture has injected into society to feed off those who don't acknowledge the basic ethical foundation that:
"Animals are here with us,

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VII. The Chariot

Purpose, Direction and Dharma.

In 2022 I took on embodying this archetype and became more tuned in with my purpose, direction, ethics, presence, and refining a spiritual mission to be on.

The artwork captures how I feel about my life purpose at this time in my life.

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The Lovers Archetype Modified with AI Art Generator Leonardo

I took "The Lover's Archetype" artwork I made, and ran it through Leonardo AI to get some creative variations. I used a variety of settings and a lot of them came out bad, but below are some of the good ones. It's amazing to see what it made. Some parts of it are inspiring.

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Lucidity Festival 2023 The Great Synthesis

I will be taking part in a panel discussion called "Lucid Dreaming for the Great Synthesis" at 2PM Saturday, April 8th 2023 in The Summit at The Lucidity Festival in California. Other Lucid dreamers will be on the panel such as: Jonah Haas,

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Limiting Belief Revealed by Anti-vegan on Live TV

People who are anti-vegan and pro-meat are not aware of their limiting beliefs. People who don't share their limiting beliefs see through their mental inadequacies. They look foolish when they make statements that reveal their small mindedness. Their defensiveness can be attributed to the concept that they have incorporated eating meat as part of their identity.

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Semi-Guided Melodic Meditation Music for Clarity and Visioning

This 10 minute meditation is ideal for taking a break from a project to relax, while also using that time to imagine how to work on your chosen project. It's split into 2 parts separated by 5 gongs. The first part is for relaxation. The 2nd part is for imagining and visioning working on the project.

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Core Values and Dietary Choices

I will admit that I have a strong bias for a plant-based whole food diet. Primarily because of these core values I have:  

  • Health and vitality 
  • Truth and awareness
  • Compassion and kindness
  • Sustainability and environmentalism
  • Harmony and balance with the Earth

 » Read more about: Core Values and Dietary Choices  »

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How Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Can Be used to Win Annoying Political Conversations

Our political system is broken here in the USA. Corruption has found a way to exploit the 2 party system so it no longer works for the people and instead works only for corporations seeking to maximize profits.


This is rooted in voters electing candidates that are corrupt,

 » Read more about: How Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Can Be used to Win Annoying Political Conversations  »

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How Fiber and the Gut Microbiome Influences Health

This podcast goes into depth on how fiber in plants effects our gut microbiome. It talks about how high fiber plant foods are the key to good health. More info on Dr. Will Bulsiewicz website:

The Plant Fed Gut

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Tune Techtonics Mixes by DJ Beholdify

Tune Techtonic Spontaneous Overflow DJ Beholdify

Here is a mix I made that beat matches 2 tunes together for the majority of each song. I blended them together like Plate Techtonics that cause Earth quaking beats, which I call: Tune Techtonics!

This was DJed back in April 2021.

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Regenerative Farming Red Herring

I came upon a podcast by Paul Saladino called: Can we feed 7 Billion people on an animal-based diet? With Diana Rogers. Here is my response to that podcast from the perspective of an ethitarian.

There are some great ways to do farming and include animals in the process. 

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Echos from Spirits in the Sky Dancing in the Moonlight Where Legends Never Die

This mix is a tribute to great music from many generations.

Multi Genera of songs mixed together. From Oldies like "Dancing in the Moonlight" Through Electro Swing "Parov Stelar" All the way to an epic sound track of the avengers: "Legends Never Die". This is a mix I setup that I thought the older generations and baby boomers would enjoy.

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