New Language - Poetry of the Dancing Being
A scene from the film My Dinner With Andre.
This clip asks you to consider that New York is a cage,
built by the inmates, who are also guards.
That is an example of a mental cage.
New Language - Poetry of the Dancing Being
A scene from the film My Dinner With Andre.
This clip asks you to consider that New York is a cage,
built by the inmates, who are also guards.
That is an example of a mental cage.
"A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us,
This is such a cleaver and entertaining music video that explains to the viewer how they fit into the heirachry of power. This particularly illuminates an important aspct of agreeganism: If you don't like the feeling of being oppressed, then don't oppress other sentient beings who also don't like being oppressed.
All the content below is copied from The Wayseers Manifesto: It is here because it's so inspiring, I wanted to behold it here:
ATTENTION: All you rule-breakers, you misfits and troublemakers - all you free spirits and pioneers - all you visionaries and non-conformists ... » Read more about: The Wayseers Manifesto »